How agencies can use a data analytics platform to improve negative campaign results

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    Marketing in today’s environment makes data analytics platforms invaluable for digital marketing agencies. Gone are the days of Don Draper, where marketing was all about being creative while sitting in a room smoking cigarettes. Today everything is driven by data, and you’ll struggle to think of a marketing activity that doesn’t require or produce it. Even when working on brand campaigns it’s expected that there will be some level of data available to track success.  

    With so much of it available it’s critical that marketing agencies can work with data honestly and openly to maximise campaigns and maintain trust with their client. When a campaign is performing well it’s much easier to communicate this to clients than when there are negative results. The good news is a data analytics platform can help you analyse the campaign and devise a plan to optimise the results and improve your client relationship.  

    Let’s take a look at how that could work.

    Set up campaign triggers in your data analytics platform from day 1 

    At the start of any campaign, it’s important to set up triggers to alert you that a campaign is performing badly.  

    You can identify the KPIs that will be critical to success, these could be the CPL, bounce rate, conversion rate or a number of other metrics depending on the industry and campaign. By having this set up you will be able to get ahead of an underperforming campaign and reduce the negative impact.  

    A data analytics platform like ClicData allows you to set up the triggers based on the connected data, along with choosing the frequency of alerts.  

    Use report dashboards to analyse the campaign in full  

    A data analytics platform brings all the data together into one system, and report dashboards allow you to build a custom report to easily visualise and connect the relevant campaign data.  

    Using a data analytics platform also means you can connect the campaign to the bigger picture and look at data sources which you might not have previously thought were relevant. For example, a slow website speed might be impacting the bounce rate and affecting conversions, whereas you may have initially thought there was a design layout issue with the landing page.

    ready to use marketing dashboard pack banner

    By having this data readily available to you, you’ll be able to get stuck into analysing why the campaign isn’t performing and find a solution more quickly.  

    Keep track of the issues found 

    Building trust with your client is key to a successful relationship, and communication is a critical part of this.  

    Letting your client know what investigative work you have done along with your findings can only be a good thing as it increases transparency and helps build trust. However, when working with data it’s easy to get deep down the rabbit hole and forget to track your findings, making it harder to communicate them to your client.  

    This is why it’s important to make sure you keep a log of what you did and what you found.  

    Create an action plan to improve performance 

    Once you have identified the issues you can create a plan to improve performance.  

    Depending on your client restrictions, you may be able to implement them straight away or you might need to get sign off. Either way, it’s important to set up a clear visualisation on the report dashboard to show campaign performance before and after the changes.  

    This way you will be able to easily monitor the performance and display it to your client.  

    Communicate with your clients 

    With a data analytics platform, communicating negative campaign results to your clients becomes much easier.  

    By taking the outlined steps from this article, you will be able to clearly show them the identified issues along with the proposed solutions. It turns the conversation from the negative results to the improvements that have been made and the future potential of the campaign.  

    Being honest about your campaigns

    Unfortunately sometimes no matter how much you optimize a campaign, it just doesn’t yield the results a client wants. And when this happens, it’s important to be honest with your client rather than keep pushing it and spending their money. By having an honest conversation, you have the opportunity to increase trust and to pitch alternative channels or campaigns. Remember, having access to report dashboards through a data analytics platform will help you justify the decisions as the data will be clearly laid out showing you the bigger picture.  

    If you would like to see for yourself why not sign up to a ClicData free trial and start connecting your data today! Click here to get started.